Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Meat February. Starts Now.

So I had a full documentary weekend either last weekend or the weekend before (irrelevant) and I pretty much had my mind blown by all the things that I thought I knew about food, government and just life as a whole. I know for a fact that I am NOT going to stir up any kind of government change (nor do I want to), but I can delve into the food I have come to love over my seasoned eating career.

When it comes to food, I have seen some things, I'll try almost any food as long as it won't kill me, but from these readings and documentaries I watched, it would appear that according to those that I am eating food that IS killing me, even though it is the best way to die ever... slowly roasted or deep fried or marinated and just flame-kissed, medium rare to medium well... and bacon. hoooo I do enjoy a slice of slow cooked bacon...

...kinda went off the rails there.

In any case, between Thrive, Food Inc., Forks over Knives and any other healthy slanted documentary you might think of, I know I probably eat too much of the stuff, so why not try and see if I can actually go the whole month without eating meat, first to see if I can actually do it, but for main reason, to see if I feel any better overall as a whole.

That way I can say I tried it and it wasn't for me, or I tried it and the difference is insane! or whatever! ...maybe I'll feel the exact same! (...which is a possibility because I feel pretty good already)

Feb 1st 2012.

No Meat.

Day 1.

Honestly my toughest test is going to be right out of the gate with Super Bowl Weekend, I'm pretty sure my parents, and my sister are cooking up a giant meat feast that I can't really enjoy, so I figure if I can get past that then I could be in the clear for a while with very minimal temptation. Take into account that there are no BBQ's out in mass numbers to tempt me with that sweet sweet aroma of various flame-kissed meats, and the fact that its cold and not summer time, all work in my favor.

I just ate a carrot.


But I played with it first, for no real reason other than I am a fully functioning responsible adult child.

...well here goes.

It's Almost Been a Year...

So my last post was in March, I'm going to fill in the blanks between what happened in that time span in a short form. I looked like that at the start of the year pretty much...

...i'm just super tired...

  • My parents moved away
  • Felt terrible about everything
  • Left me in control of the house
  • Had no job and no money (it didn't make sense how I lived)
  • Got a job working at a high school as a Teacher's Assistant
  • Started going on more dates
  • Narrowed it down to a girl I liked
  • She messed around with a buddy of mine
  • ...that went sideways
  • Then I went off the rails and partied probably a little harder than usual
  • Got a roommate
  • Went to 3 weddings over the summer
  • Made some questionable decisions (drank far too much)
  • My brother moved closer
  • Met a really hot female version of myself
  • Dated her
  • We were good
  • ...drank even more...
  • ...then didn't drink enough...
  • Then we clashed
  • So I broke up with her, which really sucked...
  • Missed her
  • Dated her again (which in hindsight was probably a bad idea)
  • Went to Chicago for Christmas
  • Left my job at the high school
  • Grew frustrated with the relationship...
  • ...then she broke up with me
  • ...Which Sucked. Hard. but was a lot easier to deal with oddly enough... (don't know how that works)
  • Went back to Paramedic school
  • Been reading and watching documentaries like a crazy person...
  • studied my ass off, pulled a 94% on my first exam...
...aaaaand that brings me to this point. haha on a side note I can hear my neighbor puking next door and it sounds terrible, and I mean terrible...

Toss in hitting the gym harder, a lot of sports, listening to The Herd, SVP, watching Around the Horn, Pardon the Interruption, with House, Spartacus, True Blood, Dexter, Californication, Shameless, as well as a whole bunch of other TV Shows, and Movies, not even throwing the countless video game hours I put in, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Skyrim, Madden, NCAA Football, aaaand online arcade games, and all the anime I watch and all the manga I read, and that was my year pretty much... haha it was actually really good!

...just a bit of a goat rodeo.

...and this years just gettin warmed up...

take care,


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i like a lot of things,