Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's Almost Been a Year...

So my last post was in March, I'm going to fill in the blanks between what happened in that time span in a short form. I looked like that at the start of the year pretty much...

...i'm just super tired...

  • My parents moved away
  • Felt terrible about everything
  • Left me in control of the house
  • Had no job and no money (it didn't make sense how I lived)
  • Got a job working at a high school as a Teacher's Assistant
  • Started going on more dates
  • Narrowed it down to a girl I liked
  • She messed around with a buddy of mine
  • ...that went sideways
  • Then I went off the rails and partied probably a little harder than usual
  • Got a roommate
  • Went to 3 weddings over the summer
  • Made some questionable decisions (drank far too much)
  • My brother moved closer
  • Met a really hot female version of myself
  • Dated her
  • We were good
  • ...drank even more...
  • ...then didn't drink enough...
  • Then we clashed
  • So I broke up with her, which really sucked...
  • Missed her
  • Dated her again (which in hindsight was probably a bad idea)
  • Went to Chicago for Christmas
  • Left my job at the high school
  • Grew frustrated with the relationship...
  • ...then she broke up with me
  • ...Which Sucked. Hard. but was a lot easier to deal with oddly enough... (don't know how that works)
  • Went back to Paramedic school
  • Been reading and watching documentaries like a crazy person...
  • studied my ass off, pulled a 94% on my first exam...
...aaaaand that brings me to this point. haha on a side note I can hear my neighbor puking next door and it sounds terrible, and I mean terrible...

Toss in hitting the gym harder, a lot of sports, listening to The Herd, SVP, watching Around the Horn, Pardon the Interruption, with House, Spartacus, True Blood, Dexter, Californication, Shameless, as well as a whole bunch of other TV Shows, and Movies, not even throwing the countless video game hours I put in, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Skyrim, Madden, NCAA Football, aaaand online arcade games, and all the anime I watch and all the manga I read, and that was my year pretty much... haha it was actually really good!

...just a bit of a goat rodeo.

...and this years just gettin warmed up...

take care,


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