Tuesday, March 1, 2011

march. that was fast...

So February went by very quickly and it was an okay month, but I wasted about half of it doing next to nothing. I had no momentum, felt pretty rough, and I just can't seem to get it going. In any case, I am attempting to get the ball rolling again, and that starts with me heading back to the gym. I just feel better overall when I go to the gym regularly. I haven't been going like I would like to be. So thats that... going to go now...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

february off to a slow start...

I had planned to go to the gym early this morning at around 5:30am but that fell apart when I woke up and figured I'd watch an episode of House (great show), and then I cooked breakfast tried to start my car and it wouldn't start. The morning at this point isn't going how I planned it at all, so I hit the wall and went on Facebook, which is the ultimate time killer just in front of Youtube, and I figure, the day isn't over. I can go to the gym now. Better late than never, although never late is better...

I gotta hit the gym.

Feb 1

I need to get in better shape.

Monday, January 31, 2011

january in the books...

New year, new month, new week, new day, new hour, new minutes... new seconds. You can spin it however you like when you are looking to start off anything fresh.

My start to 2K11 was pretty rough. I felt sick physically, there was a lot going on with "relationships" and the lack thereof, I'm in a drought in the woman department and that is extremely distracting, and then I'm waiting on my appeal process for school so that I can get a course I need so that I can continue on the path to my chosen career. I currently have no job, and with that no money which is devastating. Really, it's not so bad, but your own problems are always biggest for the most part because after all they are yours.

January 2K11 = awful

So I've just been wallowing around for the month of January. I am not overly organized so I'm attempting to switch gears in February in order to get the ball rolling. I did the standard self assessment and I have mixed reviews on what I've found as far as my life is concerned so in the next month I'll see if I've made any progress.

On another note, since the Bears lost I won't get to go to Dallas. That would have been the best thing that could have happened in such a poor month. I need a little bit of a vacation, my Christmas was ruined by my cousins, but hey they are just kids, 5 girls, all under the age of 9. It was insane. Once I tie the knot, I hope to God I don't have daughters, just kidding (sort of), haha but yeah just healthy kids is the main hope but I have a long way to go until I get to that point. One step at a time, I'll send this idea up the flagpole, see if she flies...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

ted ginn jr...

I just wish Ted Ginn was better than he actually is in real life, if he could somehow explode like this that would be unreal...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

michael jai white is awesome...

Kimbo Slice Gets Punching Lesson - Watch more Funny Videos

i love dave chappelle...

Three good Dave Chappelle clips, that are pretty funny, I hope there is way more coming...

nfc championship...

The game is on Sunday, I'm hoping the Bears pull it out and book a flight to Dallas.

child actors...

I don't consider myself to be a harsh critic by any means, but is it just me or are most of the good child actors either on Disney Channel or in movies?

Dakota Fanning looks as creepy as ever in this picture... but she can act.

  I tried to watch a show on NBC, The Cape, but it was awful and the child actor in the movie that plays the main characters son, well... he's not very good. I watch House all the time, and sometimes the child actors they have on there are awful, CSI, Bones, there are a bunch of shows I've seen with some bad acting kids, and I guess they are just kids... But still, they are killing some of my TV watching with their poor performances... Just sayin'.

these kids ain't no Spot Conlon!
...I suppose I left out soap operas, I bet there are some pretty good child actors on soap operas...

but still, haha I got nothin... maybe I should just watch better TV?

divisional round edition - santonio holmes in the corner...

The Jets are dangerous with the weapons they have on offense...

wild card edition - marshawn lynch. beasting.

Three words. Get. Off. Me.

i wouldn't want to tackle him either...

Dan Connolly is huge and I really wish he had made it into the end zone...

jay feely has some wheels...

I bet some kickers are actually pretty fast? Maybe? Well... Maybe not. But this was still a nice play, good fake, and again great music...

ed reed is absurd...

Ed Reed just gets it done, just getting the pick is never good enough...

a just another devin hester punt return...

There is a block put on Jon Ryan (the punter), by Earl Bennett that is just ridiculous, I felt it at home. It's pretty much right where the music kicks in...

a dirty catch from earlier in season...

This was just a great catch, and Guile's Theme always makes me smile. But yes, this is absolutely filthy...

a busy start to 2K11...

- 2kay11.com -
Honestly, this year has been off to an interesting start.

New Years was a good time but I spent the first part of the year wandering in the streets because I couldn't get a cab. My program finished last year so I don't have any school so I find myself with ridiculous amounts of time on my hands, time I should be using effectively to accomplish things I need to continue moving forward in this thing called life, but I've been going to the gym, sleeping more than usual, laying around, and experiencing just a general uneasiness pretty well through the month to this point.

The odd day I would get a boost and get some things done, but I just can't seem to get the wind back in my sails. I think as to why this is, and I try to justify it to myself but I know I just gotta buck up and make things happen.

In any case, these are some of the things that are weighing on me thus far that I am taking care of, have on my mind, some good, some bad, etc...

  • Today was my dad's birthday! He's 65, he's had some mild strokes, not overly healthy, he bought burial plots, which makes me pretty uneasy, but so far hes doing well, and had a solid birthday.
  • My aunt, who has 5 children all under the age of 8 years old almost died last night, which was a shock, we were never close, but she is still family, and my mom is really really affected, because it's her sister, and by nature of my mom being affected, I am even more affected, so thats been tough, especially for the kids.
  • I had to write an appeal letter for school on a ruling that I felt wasn't fair, so I am waiting on that, and the song is true, the waiting is the hardest part.
  • My brother is in the NFC Championship on Sunday. Bears vs. Packers, so that is a huge deal because if they win that then they go to the Super Bowl and that would be awesome. Plus I didn't go when it was in Miami the last time they were there and this time it's in Dallas and I've wanted to see that stadium since Jerry Jones built that thing. I like Jerry Jones. He gets it done.

  •  I don't have a job. I need money. Enough said.

  • My sister is married and has two kids and they are awesome. I probably like to visit them more than I should, they are the best.

...So it's nothing too crazy, couple that with the standard issues that any guy has with family, friends, girlfriends, and potential girlfriends, wives, etc. that's pretty much where I'm at in a nutshell. It's been a weird start to the year, I'm in a bit of a funk... I gotta get out of it.

...Go Bears.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

packers at bears

fourth string...

I came down to the name "fourth string" because, it actually covers a nice array of things I can relate to, like sports and music. I have three older siblings, making me the fourth child, and sometimes when I did play sports I may as well have been fourth-string in some cases!

some string!


fourth string refers to me being the fourth child.
fourth string refers to my love of watching, analyzing and breaking down sports.
fourth string refers to the love I have for various instrumentals and sounds, etc., music in general
fourth string refers to the idea that you can be a part of a team, a group, people's lives, and leave them hopefully better than you found them, and you better having met them. 

4 - 1 - 2 - 3

haha, I just felt I needed to have four things there, the last one is a little bit cheesy but I had to throw something in there.

So yeah, I'll post random things I think about, my thoughts on things I've watched, books I've read (very few), and sporting events I've seen or been to, things of that nature.

Also I'm going to use this to try and keep up with new music and videogames, I'll post pictures of things I find interesting, tell stories, but ultimately I'm trying to do something new in 2K11 (yeah that's right I call it 2K11), and the new thing I'm doing this year is a blog, and the goal is to have content on it regularly, so I'm going to challenge myself to keep it interesting, keep it fresh, keep it dynamic, and... I was going to say keep it real, but those three words have been used so much it's ridiculous.

...keep it ________

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i like a lot of things,