Tuesday, January 18, 2011

fourth string...

I came down to the name "fourth string" because, it actually covers a nice array of things I can relate to, like sports and music. I have three older siblings, making me the fourth child, and sometimes when I did play sports I may as well have been fourth-string in some cases!

some string!


fourth string refers to me being the fourth child.
fourth string refers to my love of watching, analyzing and breaking down sports.
fourth string refers to the love I have for various instrumentals and sounds, etc., music in general
fourth string refers to the idea that you can be a part of a team, a group, people's lives, and leave them hopefully better than you found them, and you better having met them. 

4 - 1 - 2 - 3

haha, I just felt I needed to have four things there, the last one is a little bit cheesy but I had to throw something in there.

So yeah, I'll post random things I think about, my thoughts on things I've watched, books I've read (very few), and sporting events I've seen or been to, things of that nature.

Also I'm going to use this to try and keep up with new music and videogames, I'll post pictures of things I find interesting, tell stories, but ultimately I'm trying to do something new in 2K11 (yeah that's right I call it 2K11), and the new thing I'm doing this year is a blog, and the goal is to have content on it regularly, so I'm going to challenge myself to keep it interesting, keep it fresh, keep it dynamic, and... I was going to say keep it real, but those three words have been used so much it's ridiculous.

...keep it ________

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