Wednesday, January 19, 2011

child actors...

I don't consider myself to be a harsh critic by any means, but is it just me or are most of the good child actors either on Disney Channel or in movies?

Dakota Fanning looks as creepy as ever in this picture... but she can act.

  I tried to watch a show on NBC, The Cape, but it was awful and the child actor in the movie that plays the main characters son, well... he's not very good. I watch House all the time, and sometimes the child actors they have on there are awful, CSI, Bones, there are a bunch of shows I've seen with some bad acting kids, and I guess they are just kids... But still, they are killing some of my TV watching with their poor performances... Just sayin'.

these kids ain't no Spot Conlon!
...I suppose I left out soap operas, I bet there are some pretty good child actors on soap operas...

but still, haha I got nothin... maybe I should just watch better TV?

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